What Does the Word PSEUDONYM Mean?
Easily Memorize PSEUDONYM’s Meaning and Definition in today’s Memorize Vocab Words Video by Memory Master Champion, Luis Angel
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Pseudonym (n) meaning and definition: A fictitious name, especially a pen name.
Synonyms: alias, handle, aka
Antonyms: actual name
Pseudonym in a Sentence: And he could not have been seeking fame, for he used a pseudonym
In the video below, I will give you the mnemonic associations that will help you learn and memorize this word quickly in order to move it from your passive vocabulary to your active vocabulary with ease.
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The key idea with being able to memorize vocabulary words is the create pictures for those words.
The Mnemonic Pictures for this SAT Vocab word are :
Pseudonym: sewing domino
Definition: sewing a false name with a pen
Then just take both the picture for the word and the picture for the definition and visualize an interaction between the two.
Story: The koala in the forest was eating all of the old aging leaves.
That’s It! Just review a little bit and you will have these words fully memorized come test day.
Remember that the higher the SAT score you can get when you take it in high school, the better of a chance that you will have at getting accepted into the college or university of your dreams!
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