What’s up guys Luis Angel here!! As you guys may know I can memorize a lot of digits, but can someone else such as one of my students do it? As you will see in this video, they can!
Hi. My name is Luis Angel. I am a memory coach with AE Mind. My goal is to help students tap into their full mind’s potential so that they can memorize and learn their school material much more quickly.
I work with High School, College, and University Students to help them improve their Memory and Ability to Focus through the AE Mind Better Memory Now Workshops!
As you saw here, I can help students memorize a long number in a short period of time. This ability to memorize anything quickly, can help them in Math and in every other school subject. Being able to remember what they study in the classroom and at home through their textbooks, books, and from what the teachers taught them, is crucial to long term success in school and in life!
The memory techniques that the students will learn will help them in the following school subjects:
– Math: Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, etc…
– Languages: English, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, etc…
– Science : Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Medical, Nursing, etc…
– Social Sciences: Law, Psychology
– History
– and much more
Students will also see a boost in their scores with their SAT Exams and College Level Exams.
To Learn More about bringing in Luis Angel to your school or to see what other teachers, professors, counselors, and school administrators have to say about the engaging, fun, and educational presentation and workshop, go to:
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Stay Empowered!
Keep Learning!
Luis Angel Echeverria
Your Memory Coach