Cash App Finance

How To Change Bank in Cash App

Learn How To Change Bank in Cash App and Add a Different Bank Account or Replace your Account Info with another one to withdraw money

Cash App How To Change Bank - Cash App How To Add Another Bank Account - Change Bank Account Info

How To Change Bank in Cash App in 2024

Here’s the process of changing the bank account linked to your Cash App account. This can be useful if you need to switch to a different bank or if your account information has changed.

  1. Open Cash App on your mobile device.
  2. From the home page, tap on your cash balance located in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.
  3. On the Cash Balance page, scroll down and tap on “Linked Accounts.”
  4. Locate your current linked bank account, which should appear between your debit card and credit card.
  5. Tap on your current bank account to proceed with changing it.
  6. Tap “Replace Bank” to initiate the process of linking a new bank account.
  7. To link a new bank, you will need to provide the username and password that you use for your online banking. Tap “Continue” to proceed.
  8. Browse the list of banks that appear, or use the search bar to find your bank if it’s not displayed on the main page.
  9. Select your desired bank, such as Chase, by tapping on its logo.
  10. Enter your online banking login credentials (User ID and Password) for the bank you want to link.
  11. Tap “Submit” to complete the process.

As long as your details are entered correctly, your new bank account should now be linked to your Cash App account.

Conclusion: Changing the bank account linked to your Cash App account is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. Following this guide will help you update your account information with ease.

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